Was Mary the first?
Was she the first woman to whom Gabriel appeared?
The first to be called to serve as the theotokos - the God-birther?
The first to ponder the meaning of this kind of surrender;
this kind of sacrifice?
Was Mary the first?
I think not.
There may have been one whose sophistication exceeded
those who may claim ability with angels.
There may have been another too proud to yield
to a telos demanding such time and selflessness;
too goal-oriented to consider this inconvenient detour.
There may have been another too busy, too important
to surrender reputation to such inexplicable circumstances.
Was Mary the first?
Perhaps, not the first to be invited.
But,...the first to say,
"Let it be to me, according to thy will."
Yet one more question, dear friends,
begs for an answer.
Yet one more question
haunts our very soul:
Was Mary the last?
Was she the last to whom an angel spoke
of God's invitation to live out an inexplicable mystery?
Was she the last called to set aside a time of life
for the purpose of growing and nurturing...
love within,
grace within,
peace within,
hope within?
Was her call to abandon goals, dreams and reputation
to an unknown, yet God-filled telos the last ever offered?
Was she the last to ever utter,
"Let it be to me, according to thy will,"
while not knowing fully where it led
or what it ultimately would demand?
Was Mary the last?
I pray not...